>> Variable Speed Drive
Xtel International Ltd. is pleased to provide this useful addition to the capabilities of its XtelAlert (XTA) product.
Why Variable Speed Drive Monitoring?
Variable speed drives (VSD) are becoming very popular in the oil and gas industry. They provide easy and safe speed and torque control on expensive oil pumps. Operators are able to optimize production and protect their pumps with VSDs. The XTA enhances these capabilities by allowing alarm callout, remote monitoring and remote control of the VSD over a telephone or cell phone. With the logging option the XTA can also provide the user with torque and speed trends.
What is Provided…
The XTA is equipped with either an RS232 or RS485 serial interface to communicate with one or multiple VSDs. Optional XTA logging capabilities can be provided for VSD parameter trending. The XTA analog and binary sensor inputs can be used to monitor pressure, temperature, flow and other local alarm sensors.
XTA VSD Interaction: The XTA acts as a Modbus master and interrogates the VSD(s) for register values corresponding to speed, torque, current, faults, etc. These same values are logged by the XTA for future trending if this option is equipped.
XTA User Interaction: The user can call the XTA to obtain a current status of the VSD operating parameters (speed, torque, current, etc). The user can also use their telephone keypad to perform VSD on, off, reversal and speed commands through the XTA. The XTA compares the incoming Modbus register values against its alarm limits and generates a callout to the user if the values exceed their limits.